Good morning and would like to know if something like this is possible:
I hope you're doing well. We are looking to streamline our contractor billing process for consulting services provided to our customers. To achieve this, I would like to request the development of a new feature within our application that allows for the following functionality:
Timesheet Submission for Contractors:
A user-friendly interface where contractors can submit their timesheets, including billable hours and task descriptions for each project and customer they are working on.
Automatic Monthly Bill Generation:
After timesheets are submitted, the system should automatically calculate the total billable hours, multiply them by the contractor’s hourly rate, and generate an invoice for payment processing. The feature should also allow for additional expense entries if applicable.
Tracking and Notifications:
The feature should include a way to track submitted timesheets and send reminders to contractors who haven’t submitted their hours by a designated date. It should also generate a notification to the finance team once the bill is ready for review.