This is not necessarily a bug...
When entering phone numbers, the format is always (often) automatically adjusted and provided with “brackets”.
As there are many different formats worldwide, I would remove this function. It's just a lot of work and doesn't help...
My opinion...
My input = +49 5191 123456789
(country + area code Germany + phone number)
This then becomes... = +49519 (112) 345-6789
That's not right at all. And I think that won't work in the next country either...
So just get out.
With “+country code” and a space in the number everything is already done... that's what I think...
Oh yes... and so you can also simply use mobile numbers... the format doesn't matter because of the spaces. Everything is covered...
+49 170 123456789
+49 5191 9793456
+49 5191 9391 1523
Best regards, Lars
Translated with