The primary purpose of this forum is for discussions related to ITFlow, e.g. features, bugs and requests for help. The vast majority of our community members respect this but it seems we need to clarify a few things:
Advertising - More applicable to the vendors out there, the 'General IT' tag is in fact not a free spot to promote your business. Advertising your product in discussions will result in an permanent ban without warning.
Bumping requests - Please do not tag onto someone else support request asking for help, it's really annoying for the original poster - start your own thread instead. Adding relevant comments to bug and feature requests is fine, but please avoid tagging people or asking for timelines.
Again, these won't apply to the majority of forum members but I wanted to make our position clear for the few that clearly need the clarification. If you notice a post that shouldn't be there, please use the 'flag' button to bring it to our attention.