Like many people I usually have multiple browser windows open each containing multiple tabs.
Currently the tab name is the client.
Would it be possible or feasible to change the tab name on open tickets to the ticket subject?
Or make the tab prefix the three to six letter company client abbreviation plus section you are in (Contacts / Assets / Tickets / etc)?
This might help to reduce the number of tickets open in multiple tabs in multiple windows.
I know anytime you start talking about customization, everyone wants something different. But, this is one place variables could come into play to make most people happy.
Administration / Templates / Browser Tab Name or Label
- Check Default: Company Name
- Check Custom: User set for instance "%%CNA%% - %%TN%%"
- Based on
- %%CNF%% (Company Name Full)
- %%CNA%% (CN Abbriviated)
- %%Section%% (see above)
- %%PRJ%% Project Number
- %%TCK%% Ticket Number
Or something similar.
Just a thought.
Edited to update Custom selection wording