Corneb Hello, Is there a bug in the domain expiry config? it does not indicate when a domain expires and all domains loaded will state 55 years ago. I am on the latest update.
wrongecho Hello, How did you install ITFlow, and on what operating system? What do you see in Admin Settings > Debug?
Corneb I used the Git option in cPanel to obtain the files: Remote URL itflow-org/itflow.git Below is what the Shell commands indicating that its all available Version info belo
wrongecho cPanel is not an installation method we're willing to test or support at this time. Hosting providers & their panels usually block shell/shell_exec commands and/or prevent the outbound traffic required for whois lookups.
Bigbug Actually this has been discussed here and is not something specific to your installation as you can see, only if you put in a subdomain the '55 yrs ago' thing will come up as subdomains don't have expiration dates check out this thread @Corneb try entering a root domain and report back here
Corneb yes indeed, seems like a sub domain thing… by removing the www it picked up the domain correctly and the expiry dates. thanks