Hi There! first let me say that you have put together an incredible platform. Like my notes when setting this up a few days ago, I had tried ITFlow out 3 or 4 years ago… and it is truly amazing how far it's come and how well thought-out it is! When my business gets fully rolling, I'll keep you in coffee for a year!
Now for the little bug. or maybe not a bug… when I put a management IP in the URL field in an asset, it adds an additional "http//" (screenshot link below). I've looked just about everywhere to make sure there wasn't a circular reference or anything I added in a related field or module, but can't seem to figure out where this is coming from.
Basically, I enter "" and it links to "https://https//"
This appears to only happen in the asset details. when selecting the link from the list of assets, it looks/works normal.
More of an FYI. this is by no means a deal breaker as it is fairly easy to work around. but if you have some insight as to where this is coming from.