Hi, out of curiosity, I was tracking the login.php code for TIFlow and I absolutely can't figure out where the value in the 'user_extension_key' field in the 'users' table comes from. It is used during login but only if it exists; there is no condition that would create this value if it's missing. Is this a bug or hardcoded?
// Setup extension
if (isset($row['user_extension_key']) && !empty($row['user_extension_key'])) {
// Extension cookie
// Note: Browsers don't accept cookies with SameSite None if they are not HTTPS.
setcookie("user_extension_key", "$row[user_extension_key]", ['path' => '/', 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => true, 'samesite' => 'None']);
// Set PHP session in DB, so we can access the session encryption data (above)
$user_php_session = session_id();
mysqli_query($mysqli, "UPDATE users SET user_php_session = '$user_php_session' WHERE user_id = $user_id");