Hello. I feel a little more vulnerable when the world can assume my database and user is named itflow. So I'd like to rename it. However upon renaming the database, creating a new user with correct permissions and changing the config.php file to match I get a white screen and the following message in the console:
TSS: excluded result: false [content-scripts.js:1:59969](moz-extension://1cdf8254-9c98-4dd1-bd53-20a7cab972b3/content-scripts.js "View source in Debugger → moz-extension://1cdf8254-9c98-4dd1-bd53-20a7cab972b3/content-scripts.js:1:59969")
TSS: hosted page injected
Any thoughts on why that would be?
I did clear the cache and tried from a new browser entirely. Definitely not cache.
Follow up. So in testing and continuing to troubleshoot this I finally found I was able to change both the database and the username. However, very strangely indeed if I use anything except the original dynamically generated password during the install, the white screen appears instead of a login screen. If I change it back to the original password, works every time.
What is required to rename the database password and insure itflow respects the change and does not force the original?