I have two enhancement requests for invoicing system to accommodate the needs of more regions globally:
Tax Display Adjustment: In certain regions within the EU, it is necessary to display the tax percentage alongside the tax value. For example, instead of just showing the tax amount as "US$ 1.05", could we include the tax rate before the price, like "(21%) US$ 1.05"? This could be implemented as tax options such as creating "EU TAX 21%" or "BAM 18%" that automatically display the percentage when an item is added from inventory.
Payment Method Description: Some regions in the EU require a predefined description on the invoice detailing the selected payment method for that particular transaction. It would be helpful if, when creating a new invoice, there were selectable payment options such as "Cash" or "Bank Transfer" or whatever is needed. Additionally, this chosen method should be displayed on the invoice sent to the client, either below or above the notes section.
These enhancements would not only comply with regional EU requirements but also improve the utility of all invoicing options.
Thanks a lot for considering these requests.