Hi Johnny,
I was able to get it resolved. In an effort to help anyone else that may experience the same issue I did I determined in my case it was because the database had not updated. I reviewed the apace error.log and found it wasnt able to read specific locations. I installed PHPMyAdmin and was able to find the version of the database. From there I reviewed the database_update.php file and manually entered the changes from where my database version was (2.7) up to current (3.5). When I completed that it worked perfectly, also updates do not seem affected I was able to update it last night that included a few minor UI changes (Search bar being center rather than to the right).
Anyway, I don't consider myself knowledgeable on SQL or PHP but I managed to get this working following the above steps. If there is an easier way, feel free to advise critiques are welcomed. Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate your work on this project !