jadamczyk22 everytime we open a ticket it defaults to billable, is there any way to set this to not billable by default?
wrongecho I don't believe this is currently a feature, would be good to have though for AYCE agreements.
wrongecho Promoted this from our project tracker, we'll get around to it sometime hopefully! itflow-org/itflow963
johnny Yeah I think defaulting non billable for now would be best then later down the line work on a more extensive solution.
johnny Hello @jadamczyk22 We have defaulted Tickets to not be billable and added the option when you create a ticket before it can only be edited and was billable by default itflow-org/itflowc389c68
johnny We made this an option now see https://forum.itflow.org/d/875-add-default-ticket-billable-setting/5