As I am typing in (copy and paste) work done from this past weekend to 45 scheduled tickets, it would be nice to have the ability to enter text into the work done box, hit the close and because Length(NoteTextBox) > 0 have it automatically add the note as part of closing the ticket (reduces click count).
It would also be nice to have a sanity check when closing a ticket with either attached notes = 0 or Length(NoteTextBox) = 0 to have an additional box pop up with verbiage similar to "Are you sure, there are no notes entered / attached' before prompting that this action can not be undone.
I did just the first paragraph halfway through. Found the ticket, pasted my notes, forgot to implicitly add my notes before closing. Muscle memory click, clicked. Now I have a closed ticket with no notes and no ability to reopen to correct.