focusflarenetwork Once at the container CLI, you can use mysqldump / mariadb-dump and the database name, so probably sudo mysqldump itflow > itflow.sql
You can probably make ITFlow work behind Cloudflare, you just need to install their 10 year certificate instead of the Let's Encrypt one as it'll make renewals fail. You'll need to update config.php to set DEFINE(“CONST_GET_IP_METHOD”, “HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR”);
. It's a good idea to then restrict 80/443 to only Cloudflare source ranges.
Again though, you're adding another layer of complexity that you need to be proficient in troubleshooting when things break.
@focusflarenetwork I'm all for learning by doing, but experimenting with the tool that hosts all of your customer data will probably only end one way. Maybe setup a prod and a dev ITFlow instance, and use the dev one to test and debug changes?