
A great option would be some kind of notification (email or other trigger) when customers update his ticket remotely. Right now it is easy to miss some updates with more than 100 active tickets.

Best regards

The assigned agent already receives an email when the contact updates the ticket.

4 days later

Hmm. I dont know why, but it didn’t work. Ticket is connected to technician, and there are no email notification when customer update the ticket. Have I missed some setting?

    mikeie Notifications to agents for ticket updates cannot currently be disabled (it's planned) so I would check your mail queue and see why they aren't sending, because they should be definitely added to the mail queue - providing the agent has a valid email.

      wrongecho of course you are right, wrong email. I was confused by the fact that I received notifications about a new ticket that can be set to a different address. It works. Thx for explaining