smcs While heavily testing the email to ticket function I noticed that there are no alerts when a client sends an update to the ticket. Can we get the following added? I think this is very beneficial, specially to those of us that dont stay in the portal 24/7. Send email update out when the Client sends in an update/response In the portal, make the ticket bold again when there has been an update from the Client. I noticed the new tickets are bold until clicked on and this would be a secondary visual notification that activity has came in to the ticket.
smcs Honestly where I work now when an update comes on it turns the ticket bold and sends out an email to all techs. The way we have it on IT Flow now it could just send to that notification address again. This alerts all techs that an update was added in case the assigned tech is off that day, another tech can still address the update.
wrongecho I would personally be against emailing the notification address on every ticket update/reply. I have mentioned the idea of making tickets go bold when updated though, it's part of why we un-bolded all tickets in the client view. 🙂
smcs Could you at least give the owner the option? I am not in the portal 24/7 so if it gets updated I need to know. Going bold is great but that doesn’t help me if I am not there watching it and this gives me the option to always be on top of the updates and keeping the customer happy. I think just an option to turn it on or off would be great.
wrongecho smcs I totally agree that the ticket assignee should get the email automatically, just not so sure about everyone else. Let's see what interest there is on the forum for that part of it.
smcs Totally understand, I was just thinking if the assigned resource is out sick or on vacation at least this would allow another tech to see the update and acknowledge it.
frost Wouldn't ticket watchers solve this? That way anyone interested in notifications could add themselves as a ticket watcher.
wrongecho Send email update out when the Client sends in an update/response This is planned in for the 1.0 release - itflow-org/itflow563