athornfam2 I didn't find this in the forum at least… but I would like to get ticket view filtering. Bugs me to see closed tickets in the ticket view. Would rather be able to have those custom filters based on existing ticket status and future custom ticket statuses.
wrongecho_hiatus By default the tickets page only displays open tickets. You can quickly filter between open/closed at the top or you can search with keywords, dates, status and agents.
athornfam2 I see part of the problem. That filtering is not available on a per client basis. I still would be interested in better filter though if it has traction from other users.
athornfam2 psiiota Thanks for that. That change wasn't pushed yet was it? I didn't see anything under the updates section.
johnny @athornfam2 We haven't merged the pull request into the code just yet as there are a few outstanding disputes.
wrongecho_hiatus The main ticket view now shows closed tickets by default - it did not do this previously.
johnny @ I see that, it looks like its showing all tickets by defaults but should be showing everything but closed by default
johnny We reverted the multi select 2 option for ticket statuses for now as the new way didn't respect the existing filtering, I Will work on an improved solution soon using select2 itflow-org/itflow900ec75
johnny The ability to select multiple statuses has been restored Initial Commit: itflow-org/itflow3749cbf Quick Fix commit to fix SQL Injection by sanitizing each status in an array itflow-org/itflow1f9c657
wrongecho_hiatus The client specific ticket view will have basic open/closed filtering once merged: itflow-org/itflow822