Hi guys,
We are just beginning to utilize the trip feature in ITFlow and thought it would be useful if "Trip entries" could have a status or flag associated with them…
Example: Our technician enters their trip data, and then when we go to reimburse them for mileage it would be helpful if an entry could be marked as "paid" or "processed" or "closed", or even adding a record ID, or something to that effect as right now it is a long list of trips, but not an easy way to determine if they've been paid out to the employee and processed yet.
It would also be useful to incorporate trips into some reports (if they aren't already there, though I didn't see anything relating to trips yet). The ability to run a report on what has been processed vs. what hasn't, as well as trip mileage for a customer within a certain time period.
Example: Running a report to see how many miles were travelled for "Customer A" over the past 30 days, 6 months, 12 months, history of client, etc.
Thoughts? If these features already exist, I apologize, but I haven't come across anything yet when looking for them.