Like the post says.
I have tried installing by using:
a) Docker-compose on an existing Debian 12.0 (<- PHP ? & Apache)
b) install script using a new Ubuntu 22.04 VPS (Hetzner) (<- PHP 8.1 & Apache2)
c) install script using a dedicated Intel NUC running fresh Debian 12.5 Netinstall (minimal) (<- PHP 8.2 & Apache2)
Sometimes I have more problems than just this one. Nonetheless, this particular problem plagues me more than others. I just … don't get it. The script seems to just work on install, but from the moment I try to add a client, things go sideways.
With Docker-Compose, things seemed to be sluggish and it had weird HTTP ERROR 500 errors. I thought to myself, "maybe things aren't optimal, like they tried saying (about a dozen times) in the Github." So I reluctantly switched to the install script. A colleague donated me an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS at Hetzner since this is for business purposes (this is for a business; yes, I've read the Beta status and all the warnings), and I gave it a go. It was a low-end VPS, and it seemed even slower there with the same errors in the same areas. Again, I felt (on my own, without having access to the control panel) that perhaps the specs or the pre-requisites or something else were off. Frustrated, I grabbed an Intel i5 (16GB 500GB NVMe) NUC, did a Debian 12.5 Netinstall, aaaaand tried again. And while it was snappy, the exact same problem persists.
Install script worked a charm. Creating an admin account worked smoothly. Creating a client worked … until ***the very last screen ***when I get an error message from a big, blank page ("post.php") of HTTP ERROR 500. And, to boot, if I try to either refresh the page or go forward or back, it creates copies of the client record I just made…
Now, I've gone through the forums and looked for the PHP and HTTP error codes. I've gone through search engines. But I am not an HTML or web-centric person. I'm an IT technician whom understand parts of IT outside of web code, I'm afraid. While I can dig into these things, and I can follow instructions, these things do not come naturally to me. So I can really really use some assistance at least comprehending the "whats and whys" of exactly what's breaking here. And I'm really hoping not to be belittled, please.
To everyone here that's willing to interject, I thank you for reading and helping. Really